The eventual outcome of the information age upon the fraudulent and delusional Watchtower Corporation and 'frankly Scarlet I don't give a dam':
The eventual outcome of the information age upon the fraudulent and delusional Watchtower Corporation and 'frankly Scarlet I don't give a dam':
the watchtower printing corporation publishes the idea that every thing jehovah does is righteous, loving, and ultimately good.
"trust in jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding".
in effect be a jehovah yes man, and never question jehovah on anything which will bring his wrath upon you with disfellowshipping or literal execution in the good old days.. brings to mind the tyranny of sovereigns to keep and their extreme power.
The Watchtower Printing corporation publishes the idea that every thing Jehovah does is righteous, loving, and ultimately good. "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding". In effect be a Jehovah yes man, and never question Jehovah on anything which will bring his wrath upon you with disfellowshipping or literal execution in the good old days.
Brings to mind the tyranny of sovereigns to keep and their extreme power. Be a Jehovah yes man or die at armagedon.
i just had a thought of clarity regarding the jw explanation for this doctrine.
they explain that satan challenged god regarding his right to rule.
god failed to prove his right to rule.
Wow did we deviate from the theme or what?
Anyway back to the theme "Sovereignty Of Universe On Trial" and I would respectfully say a resounding No! Sovereignty of the universe can not be put on trial who would be the judge and what possibly could be the sentence imposed? Either you're the Sovereign or not the Sovereign there are no in-betweens case closed, no need for a trial by peers.
Jehovah and Satan can arm wrestle all they want there is no bet, no contest, no final outcome, it's just delusional hooey from a bunch of clowns who think they are going to rule the earth once they get to heaven.
the singularity" redirects here.
for other uses, see singularity (disambiguation).the technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity)[1][2] is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.
i'm an atheist as i do not see any evidence for the existance of a god.
i encourage critical thinking in everyone and am ready to debate anyone on whether or not there is a god and what that god might be like.
Peoples ideas of god vary too much to prove anything, proof of a biblical deity would be impossible as there is none.
it’s starting to filter in, the truth about why the grumpy buzzards wanted to move to warwick.
they are unhappy that their best time in life was moved to bethel and are hoping to relive woodstock in the place it should have been 49 years ago next month.
Woodstock was my day I was 16 going on 17 sadly I did not attend it was less than 100 miles away, I was a long haired free loving acid dropping hippy back then.
they were the 2nd and 3rd presidents who both died the same day 07/04/1826 within 5 hours of each other.
adams who had a death bed vision declared 'jefferson lives' and then died..
They were the 2nd and 3rd Presidents who both died the same day 07/04/1826 within 5 hours of each other. Adams who had a death bed vision declared 'Jefferson lives' and then died.